Sunday, December 13, 2015

Writing center

Writing center helped me to improve my paper. I went to there and I learned two things from it. One is use past tense when I describe my action on dialy and other one is read through again after I wrote paper. It was good experience for me to go there and talked to Ms.Swift because she told me what should I work on in future and my paper would be great if I did it.

First, Ms.Swift told me I have to use past tense whole time when I describe my action because people write dialy at end of a day so everything is past. I used some present tense in my dialy. Also my dialy should make sense. I wrote, “I went to bed early because I was tired.” Ms.swift told me that this isn't make sense because people write daily before bed so I couldn't write about what time did I go bed. But I can use present tense and can talk about what time do I want to go bed. So I changed, “I was really tired because everything was new for me, so I will go bed early today.” This make sense because going to bed is future and I used future tense.
I never write dialy before so I was confusing what tense should I use, but Ms.Swift used timeline to explain what kind tense should I use. It was very easy to understand, so I would like to use timeline if I confused about tense.

Next thing is correcting my grammar errors and spelling errors. When I went to though my paper with Ms.Swift, we found some grammar mistakes and spelling errors. For example, I wrote, “Ellen introduced me about Sookan.” But she told me to change to, “Ellen introduced me to Sookan.” Ms.Swift found small mistakes that I didn't notice when I went through my paper. Also she told me to read loud so I can find my mistakes easier than read without voice. I understood why she told me to read loud because if I read loud, I would notice that this sentence isn't sound right. I'm ready bad at finding my mistakes, but I could find some mistakes because I was reading loud. So if I had writing assignment, I would read them loud and try to find my mistakes. This is really long paper, but I have to go through over many times because I could make lots of mistakes and my grades are going to down. So it is hard and it takes lots of time to go over but I want to my grades go up, so I'll try to read many times.

I'm really appreciating to Ms.Swift because she told how can I find my mistakes and when I write dialy, I need to past tense. Writing is hardest thing for me and I need work on it more. Usually in my writing assignments, I make lots of mistakes and iwas thinking that how can I find mistakes. Ms.Swift told me to find mistakes, so it was really helpful. I used the method of finding mistakes to other assignment from my ther class and I could find mistakes more than usual. So I'll keep continue to do this and if I needed some help, I would go see Ms.Swift many times.

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