Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Self assignment of my project

Unique character/creativity
First, I will give B+ for unique character/creativity. Because I made least 10 events and those events are creativity. But I made only two character. I think I could make few more unique character in my diary because if I had some unique character, readers would pay attention more.

2. Details → 5 senses
I will give an A- for this because I wrote lots of details. For example, what's my character's opinion, what she saw, how she felt, and what she heard. . Anyway, I include all 5 senses in my diary. So I think readers can understand clearly about the situation of my main character. Also I tried to not use vague words when I described my main character feeling. I used happy and good many times when I described someone's feeling. But I realized that if I used vague words, my sentences wouldn't interesting, so I can't get attention from my readers. In this diary, I tried to use not vague words, but sometimes I used them. I need to work on not vague words.

3. Narration, Description, Reflection(feelings)
I will give an A+ for Narration, Description, and reflection because I wrote description more than narration and reflection, reflection is more than narration, and narration is less than both. Ms.Guarino told us that we should have description more than others. So I organized very well. I have many description, so my diary looks like actual diary. I think I did great for this part.

4. Clarity ; correctness
B+. I looked over my diary three times yesterday. I tried to find my mistakes because when I went to writing center, Ms.Swift told me that I need to go over my paper. So I did it and I found easy mistakes. So I fixed spelling errors and I also fixed some sentences because those sentences were confusing. Even I couldn't understand, but I already fixed them and the sentence isn't confusing anymore. I think my dairy is pretty clarity, but I'm not perfect at writing. So I think I made some mistakes.

5. Fulfilling Length
A+. I never wrote more than 3000 words for one assignment in my life. Anyway, I'll give an A+ for fulfilling length because this assignment should have more than 1900 words and I wrote 4049 words.  I have much more than 1900 words. Also each entries should have least 50 words, and my entries have least 100 words. So I accomplished the length.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Writing center

Writing center helped me to improve my paper. I went to there and I learned two things from it. One is use past tense when I describe my action on dialy and other one is read through again after I wrote paper. It was good experience for me to go there and talked to Ms.Swift because she told me what should I work on in future and my paper would be great if I did it.

First, Ms.Swift told me I have to use past tense whole time when I describe my action because people write dialy at end of a day so everything is past. I used some present tense in my dialy. Also my dialy should make sense. I wrote, “I went to bed early because I was tired.” Ms.swift told me that this isn't make sense because people write daily before bed so I couldn't write about what time did I go bed. But I can use present tense and can talk about what time do I want to go bed. So I changed, “I was really tired because everything was new for me, so I will go bed early today.” This make sense because going to bed is future and I used future tense.
I never write dialy before so I was confusing what tense should I use, but Ms.Swift used timeline to explain what kind tense should I use. It was very easy to understand, so I would like to use timeline if I confused about tense.

Next thing is correcting my grammar errors and spelling errors. When I went to though my paper with Ms.Swift, we found some grammar mistakes and spelling errors. For example, I wrote, “Ellen introduced me about Sookan.” But she told me to change to, “Ellen introduced me to Sookan.” Ms.Swift found small mistakes that I didn't notice when I went through my paper. Also she told me to read loud so I can find my mistakes easier than read without voice. I understood why she told me to read loud because if I read loud, I would notice that this sentence isn't sound right. I'm ready bad at finding my mistakes, but I could find some mistakes because I was reading loud. So if I had writing assignment, I would read them loud and try to find my mistakes. This is really long paper, but I have to go through over many times because I could make lots of mistakes and my grades are going to down. So it is hard and it takes lots of time to go over but I want to my grades go up, so I'll try to read many times.

I'm really appreciating to Ms.Swift because she told how can I find my mistakes and when I write dialy, I need to past tense. Writing is hardest thing for me and I need work on it more. Usually in my writing assignments, I make lots of mistakes and iwas thinking that how can I find mistakes. Ms.Swift told me to find mistakes, so it was really helpful. I used the method of finding mistakes to other assignment from my ther class and I could find mistakes more than usual. So I'll keep continue to do this and if I needed some help, I would go see Ms.Swift many times.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Definitions and examples

Comma splice
A comma splice is the use of a comma to join two independent clauses.
I'm sleepy, I have to do my homework.

Run on sentence
A run-on sentence is two or more independent clauses are joined without an appropriate punctuation or conjunction.
I have test on Monday I have to study for the test.

sentence fragment
Fragments are incomplete sentences.
Have to study for the test.

independent clause
Independent clause is sentence. The sentence can stand alone and we can understand the sentence.
We went to the store. We brought some fruits.

dependent clause
Dependent clause is a clause that provides an independent clause with additional information, but it  can't stand alone.
He is new student "who came from Japan."

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Gathering of pearls

The day before the first day of school, I was leaving my house. I said goodbye to all my friends from my hometown and get in the car. I sobbed in the car because I couldn't believe that I'll live in the college dorm by my self without my friends. I was worrying about that will I make new friends at the college. I'm not outgoing person front of lots of people but I think I'm loud front of my friends. Whatever, I was exciting to be college student. I thought college students can do lots of new things. Off course, I will study at beautiful campus, make some friends, going to party and make a boyfriend. When I get at college, I was nervous because I'll see my new schoolmates. I looked at me and make sure I'm looking good because first impression is important.

September 1
After I arrived at college, I had orientation. We separated some groups and teachers introduced us about the college. I thought this is chance to make friend so I was nervous but I tried to talk to my new classmates. I tried to talk to someone but I couldn't because I don't know anyone and it was hard for me to talk to people who don't know about me at all. I feel so lonely, other people were taking each other but I couldn't hear them clearly because I was nervous. When I trying to talk to someone, a girl started to talked me. Her name is Ellen, she told me that her roommate wasn't here yet. I thought she is really outgoing, she introduced by her self lots of things and few things were she should tell people who she meet first time. But anyway, she is really funny girl so I wanted to be her friend and I became her fiend. I relieved that I could make new friends at the college and at the night, I felt sleep really early because I think I was really tired because everything was new for me.

September 2
Next day I went to downtown with Ellen and Sookan. Sookan is my new friend too and she is Ellen's roommate. Ellen introduced me about Sookan, Sookan is really nice girl, she seemed like little bit shy but she is good at English. So we became friend. Anyway, we went to downtown and bought bed cover, curtains, blanket. When we were shopping Sookan's face wasn't happy, Ellen told her to buy same thing because they were roommate but I think Sookan didn't want to do it because she doesn't  have enough money. Ellen is nice girl but she doesn't care deeply about others, I could tell to Ellen that she doesn't want to do it but I was scared about Ellen got mad at me and she started to hates me so I could do it. I was feel sorry for Sookan and really Flastlated about how I was bad person.

September 4
All classes had been started, all classes weren't hard for me because study is my best part and I came here because of studying. After I went to shopping with Ellen and Sookan, I couldn't stop thinking about Sookan, i was thinking about is she doing alright and I could understand how hard is studying in English for not native English speaker because my friend from my hometown told me that. I don't see Sookan at the dinning hall a lot and I had one same class with her and she always stay there after class for taking a note. One day, after school, I went to library to talk to Sookan, I knew she is there because she always there after school. I asked Sookan to help her, I said, "Hi Sookan, if you need some help about study, I always can help you so feel free to ask me some questions. I like this subject so I could teach you if you wanted to. Sookan similed and said, " thank you so much, I'm really appreciate it. Can you teach me about this?" I was really glad that she asked me a question because she is my friend but I was scared that she think I'm her friend. Whatever I could get close with her, so I was really happy at the day.

September 28
I went back to my house on last weekend of September. I met my family and friends. I told them about my new friends and school. My family was happy to hear about it because I think they were worrying about relationships with other friends at college. My personality is not outgoing so they cared about I could make friends or not. Anyway it was only two days break but I could see my family and friends so I had great break.

October 5
I always think I want to have some job. I think my family is not poor and my parents give me enough money to buy something. But I want to earn my own money. So I asked Sookan any good jobs and Sookan told me the job at dinning hall. I asked to school that I want to do the job and they accept my request. I started to work at there, it was hard for me and I couldn't believe Sookan does this job and study hard in one day.

October 10
I'm loving my new college life, I think I became more outgoing than before. In weekend, Ellen brought me to a party in downtown and lots of college students were there. It was really fun, I drank little, people played music loud and everyone were dancing. Ellen introduced me one guy who name is John. He is great guy, he is from Ellen's hometown and he is going to college in Connecticut. I talked him about school, my hometown and other things too. He listen me all of time and he is so kind. When we going to back to college, he told me he is going to call me soon. I was happy because it was first time I talked to guy really close. I appreciated to Ellen that she introduced him to me.

October 15
One day, my mom and dad called me from home. I was surprised because I called them everytime. I knew they will talk about someone good because their voice was low and when I talked about college life thry didn't care. They started to talked about my grade. My grade was going to down a little. They asked me why is it going to down and I explained all classes being hard little. But they didn't believed me because they knew I'm going to party or hangout with friends and don't study as I did before. They told me to study as before but I couldn't understand because my grade is not bad, and I wanted to enjoy my college life as other students do.

October 27
I talked to my friends about what did my parents say to me. Ellen said to me that I'm right because I'm college students and I have to enjoy it. But Sookan told me that she doesn't know because she is really busy and she didn't enjoy her college life as Ellen. I was thinking about it whole day and I think they both right. I think I could enjoy my college life but I have to study too for my future.

November 6
It was freshman election week, I was little nervous because I wanted to someone votes for me at something. Ellen nominated for the dance committee.i expected it because she is most outgoing person in freshman. So it didn't surprised me and I listened her speech. Her words were really strong too. Then Sookan nominated for student council but she declined it. The election ended, my name didn't call. I was shocked because I want to nominate fro something but I understand why students didn't vote to me because I don't have any strong thing as Ellen and Sookan. Ellen is popular and outgoing, Sookan is hard worker but I'm normal student. At the night I was thinking about what things could be my strong point.

November 13
I'm keep touching with John from the party. When I'm staying with John, I can relax and I can talk about everything to him. He is important for me right now, I don't understand why I can tell him everything because I'm not even dating with him. I think I want to date with him, I think I like him. It was weird feel, I never like person before.

November 25
On thanksgiving, I went to my house. My whole family was there, we had great dinner and we talked about lots of thing. After the dinner, I said sorry to my parents because I was yelled at them when they got me. Also I told them that I will study as I did before and I will enjoy my college life too. At the night, I could wait till go back to college because I want to study at there hard again and I want to enjoy my college life again too.

November 30
At the night that I came back to college from my house, I meet my friends and I talked about my thanksgiving break to Ellen, Sookan and Marci. They talked about their thanksgiving too. I was happy to see them again. Now, I didn't know why but I feel really close with them. I think it because I'm living with them and we stay together long time. I can talk about everything about me.

December 1
It's already December, I couldn't believe I'm doing everything without my family. I learned how my family helped me a lot when I at my home. Anyway, first weekend in December, I met John on Sunday. I had so much homework to do so I finished everything on Saturday. He came to my college and we went around New York. It was great time for me, I was tired because I did my all home work yesterday but I could meet John so my feel was so fresh. For dinner, we went to a nice restaurant then he drove me to college after that. When I say bye to him, he hugged me and asked me to date with him. I couldn't realize what he just said. Off course I said yes and I hugged him long time.

December 18
I heard Sookan fainted in bathroom. I was worrying about her so much. I wanted to go see her but Sister agreed didn't let me and she tell me to go home. So I told Sister Reed to tell Sookan that I was worrying about her and tell her to call me when her feel get better. Then my parents came to pick me up so I went to my house but less of the day, I was thinking about Sookan.

December 21
One day, I went to go to mailbox to pick up my letters. When I go into the room, I saw Sookan is standing there and crying. I was really confusing and I was think what should I say to her. She was looking a letter and it was Korean so I realized the letter is from her family. Then Sookan noticed that I was standing behind her. I asked her, "are you okay? Is something bad happen at home?" She answered, "no, I'm good, nothing happened at home. But I just missed my mother, and feel sorry that I'm not staying with her in korea." She wiped her tears and wait till I got my letters. We walked to the dorms together. She told me why she feel sorry for her mother and how much she misses her mother. I tried to be her feeling, if I didn't see my mother 4 months, I think I'll miss her so much too. But I couldn't say anything to Sookan because I never in the situation soI thought  if I said something to her, she would think I don't understand her feel. So I just listened her opinion and I said only few things. After I talked to her, I was thinking that I was right or I should say something to her.

December 25
On Christmas, Sookan and Marci invited me to Christmas party at the dorm. I was exciting because Sookan told me that she will make some Korean food. I never tried it before but I wanted to know what does Sookan eat in Korea. At the party, there are Ellen, Bennetts family, sister Reed and sister Casey. I went inside of the dorm and I already smelled the Korean food. The smell was so good. I was hungry and wanted to meet them so I run to the kitchen. When everyone get there, we started the party. We ate Korean food name is Bulgogi. The smell was awesome and it is delicious too. I said thank you to Sookan and Marci. When we were having dinner, I felt so warm because I was thinking about the beginning of the year and I was lonely and I was worrying about I can make friends or not. Whatever, I have friends right now, it makes me feel better.


January 1
I woke up and I realized day is beginning of this year. I lay on my bed and thinking about what am I going to do this year and what is my goal of this year. I decided I'll study more hard and next election, I'll nominate for something. I felt really clear because I have new goal and I could wait to complete my goal. I got up and go downstairs then say good morning to my parents. I think my new year starts pretty well.

January 6
I came back to school. Nothing scary anymore because I know what things do I have to do and I have great friends. Sookan, Marci, Ellen were already at the dorm. I hugged them long time. During I hugging them, I was thinking that I have great life because of my friends. We went to my room and when I was unpacking, they were sitting in my bed and we talked about our break. I was laughing with my friends and I thought again that I'm the luckiest person in the world because I have great friends. I was so happy to see them again.

January 20
I was working at the dinning hall with Sookan at the night. Ellen run to the dinning, Sookan and I were so surprised. We asked, "what happened Ellen?" she told us that she engaged with Kyle. It surprised me more. I said, "congratulation!" But in my mind, I was worrying about her and her family. She is still freshman of college so I thought engage is too early. Sookan was thinking same thing as me so we told that to her, but she didn't care. I was agree with Sookan, we said it because we love Ellen and we wanted Ellen's life is going to be good. I was frustrating because she thought we said it because we hate Ellen. She doesn't  know how people worry about her. After she told everyone that she engaged, everyone was celebrating but it was so frustrated for me so I finished my work and went to my room.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Diary thanksgiving

Nov 21, 2015

I was starting focus on the game when I arrived at the rink. When I go inside of the rink, so many D1 college coaches were sitting at the stand. I was surprised because it was first time that many coaches come to watch our game. I was nervous too, I was thinking about I should play well and show my best play to all coaches. Also we will play against number one team in the country. I was trying to not think about all coaches at the stand. When game started, everyone was focus on the game, no one cared about coaches. We wanted to win the game really bad. Last period of the game, I scored goal and all spectators were celebrating my goal. I loved the feel. The score was 2-3, we were still losing but we still had time left. We thought we can beat them but the game finished. After the game, I looked at stands and it reminded me that scouts were there. After I dressed down, coach told me that some scouts interested me. I should be happy but my feeling was weird. I think if we won the game, I would be happy and exciting so much but we lost and I wanted to win the game so I couldn't be happy as I thought.


In this thanksgiving, I had four hockey games in Michigan. We lost four games but I could score goal and we could almost win against number one team in the country. After I got back from Michigan. I went to my friend house. On thanksgiving day, we had great dinner. I loved the dinner because I love turkey. I ate a lot so after the dinner I couldn't move. Also I went to movie too, the movie called "The Night Before" and the movie was so funny. I and other people were laughing most of time. My friend's father bring us to open skate and I met my old teammates at there. We played small game and it was really fun time. Last thing I did in this thanksgiving is went to cut Christmas tree at tree farm. We found a great tree and cut the tree. Then we bring the tree to my friend's house and decorated the tree. It was first time I went to cut Christmas tree so it was great experience for me.

Nov 21, 2015

I was starting focus on the game when I arrived at the rink. When I go inside of the rink, so many D1 college coaches were sitting at the stand. I was surprised because it was first time that many coaches come to watch our game. I was nervous too, I was thinking about I should play well and show my best play to all coaches. Also we will play against number one team in the country. I was trying to not think about all coaches at the stand. When game started, everyone was focus on the game, no one cared about coaches. We wanted to win the game really bad. Last period of the game, I scored goal and the score was 2-3, we were still losing but we still had time left. We thought we can beat them but the game finished. After the game, I looked at stands and it reminded me that scouts were there. After I dressed down, coach told me that some scouts interested me. I should be happy but my feeling was weird. I think if we won the game, I would be happy and exciting so much but we lost and I wanted to win the game so I couldn't be happy as I thought.