Monday, February 29, 2016

Favorite character

My most favorite character in the play is Ti Moune. First she is very emotional. She made really happy face when she is in good mood, but she also made sad face when she is in bad mood.
Second, I liked how she believed about love. She tried everything for the love with Daniel. She is very trustful and I wanted to cheer her love with Daniel. Also when she found Daniel and he was injured she decided help him. Daniel is rich man and other peasants told her to don't help him because he was very mean to peasants, but she is a very kind girl so she helped him. So I felt really bad when Daniel dumped her.

Sunday, February 28, 2016


I watched Once On This Island on Friday. Before I watched the play, I don't want to say this but I thought it will be boring. When I was young, I went to musical sometimes, but I didn't watch a musical for a long time. And I don't go to the fall musical at cheshire because I had a hockey game and I couldn't go so I couldn't expect what is this musical going to be like.

This musical was about a girl name is Ti Moune who adapted to peasant family. Mama Euralie and Tonton Julian were talking care of Ti Moune. She grew up to really cute and nice girl. One day, she found a guy which is Daniel. He is a rich guy and he was injured because of the car accident. Ti Moune started to take care of him, but other peasants didn't want to help him because he was mean to peasants. But Ti Moune didn't listen them. She took care of him and he wasn't hurt anymore. Daniel went back to his town and he didn't know who helped him. However, Ti Moune couldn't forget about him and she decided to go to see him. When she got there, she could meet him and she told him that she helped him. They fell in the love and they stayed together for long time. But Daniel’s parent didn't like Ti Moune because she is from peasant family. So they separated Ti Moune and Daniel. Daniel started to stay with other rich girl and that hurts Ti Moune’s feelings. Daniel realized that he shouldn't stay with Ti Moune so I think he still liked Ti Moune but he didn't stay with her. At end, she laid down on the flour and didn't move.

It was kind of sad story because I wanted to Ti Moune would stay with Daniel but he didn't so I was disappointed about him. But I liked the musical because of music. Some parts are really fun and happy but some parts are scary and sad. Those musical made me to get into the story. Like I felt like u was part of the story. I could understand the feelings of each character because of the musics. Also actors are really good at singing so I was very impressed. My favorite actor is John Jiang. He was the guard if the gates and I liked his act because he is very good at showing emotions. His torn of voice was different everytime so I could see his emotions or feeling very easily. Also my other favorite character is Ti Moune and which is acted by Julia. I think she was one of the best actor in the play. First, she is very good at singing. I don't know what to say about her singing. It was just so good. I knew she is good at singing because of morning meeting, but I realized she is good at singing again. And when is she acting her face is very emotional and I can tell her feelings from her face. Also she looked like she was enjoying to act in the play. She wasn't seemed nervous. For me, she was just enjoying and happy to act in the play.
I would like to watch musical again. It was really fun time and very impressive.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Writing center

I went to see Mrs.Swift today and she told me couple things. The main thing that I have to revise that my essay is not moving from one point. So my argument is relationship can change people's personalitie and I was keep writing about this. For example, I said relationship can change people's personalities and I gave examples that proves the point. Then, I said he relationship can change people's personalities. I realized that this is very annoying and not interesting at the all. Ms.Swift told me that I have to move from point to point. So it should be like a straight line, but my essay is circle. So I have to revised this. Also she told me that I have too much unnecessary imformations which is summary. I think my essay doesn't have enough analysis. Analysis is the main point of the essay so I have to cut my summary and write more analysis. When Mrs.Swift and I cut off unnecessary sentences, my essay became very short and that shows how much did I had unnecessary imformation.
She also told me about format. When I write the title of a book, I have to underline it. But when I write the tittle of film, I have to you use like “American Sniper.” Also first time that I mentioned the name of book or film, I have to say author’s name or director’s name.
Last thing that she told me is don't use anyway. I thought anyway is good word to use in essay but she told me that it is very casual and not very good for essay.
After I went to see Mrs.Swift. I was little bit disappointed about my essay. I thought it was not bad but I realized that it was bad. However this is first time that I'm writing this kind of essay so I'll try to learn about this more than now, and make better essay then I'll bring it to Mrs.Swift. This is my new challenge.

I'm working on making lots of point. My essay is very boring because I only talked about one point and I was repeating it. So it was like a circle. I have to give lots of point so my essay will be more interesting and I don't have to repeat same thing. She told me that I don't have to think too much deep. I have to write what did I thought and my opinion. Whatever, I'll cut unnecessary imformations and put more my new thought or opinion. Also I'll cur summary too because I have little a lot of summary. Instead of summary, I'll wrote analysis. My essay has more summary than analysis so I'll try to switch the amount of them. I also have to focus on my small mistakes. For examples, spelling errors, capitalizing, and quote. Those things are easier than other thing so I'll go over my essay and try to find my small mistakes.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Reflect on my revised draft

My essay’s two body paragraphs is my weakness. They still have summary little bit a lot and I shouldn't have summary so I have to focus on this problem. However, my introduction is getting better than before. It is very clear and readers can understand easily about my thesis statement.
When I'm revising my essay I focused on my topic sentence and ending sentence of both first and second body paragraph because on my feedback, it says I didn't have topic and ending sentence. So I wrote topic and ending sentences and it become much better than before. Also I focused on my introduction too. My introduction wasn't clear enough so I tried it make clear so readers can understand my thesis easily.
I need to work on my summary VS analysis. I still have a lot of summary and they don't really need for my essay. So I should make them shorter and I have to focus on my analysis. When I looked my paper, I realized that my essay doesn't have my thoughts or opinions. The main point of this essay is analysis so I really need to focus on this.
Again, I think my strength of the essay is introduction. It talks about my thesis statement and argument. So it's is very clear too read and that make readers to understand my essay easily. My weakness is my two body paragraphs. My introduction is good but this makes my essay worse. My body paragraphs have too much summary and only few analysis. So I have to have more analysis and less summary. If I did this, my essay could be better than now.
The most difficult thing is Summary vs analysis. Last year and beginning of this year, I'm always write about what happens in the story. But this essay, I have to tell readers about the meaning of the story and my opinion and thought. This is very difficult because if I have write only summary, it's very easy because I only have to read a book or watch movie so I can understand the story. But this time, I have to think about story very deeply. But in the future, I have to write this essay more so I'll try to get better to write analysis. For me, introduction is easier than analysis. But at first, I used, “think” and my teacher told me that this word makes my thesis statement weaker. So I'm trying to not use “think.” Also in my thesis statement, I said because and it makes my thesis stronger. This is what did I improve. I'm trying to make stronger sentence so I can get attention from readers.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Revised draft

What is the one of the most important thing in our life. It is relationship with family, friends and other people. Relationship is very strong and it can affect people very easily. Me and you and American sniper’s main character affected by other characters. To have good relationship with other people is very difficult to do but when people could have good relationships with other people, that gives people wonderful affect. Anyway, relationship also teaches us about how to have better life. We can learn from it and become better person. Anyway, both Me and You and American sniper's main character affected by other characters because other character's opinion helps them to be better person and main characters realized how important are they.
The meaning of Me and You is person who doesn't like other people can be like other normal person and it affected by someone who is important for them. The main character of Me and You is Lorenzo. Lorenzo is 14 years old and he is living in Rome. His personality is very strange. He loves to be alone and he doesn't have friends. He has mental problems but he can pretend like as normal person. “If the others didn’t leave me alone, if they pushed me too far, the blood would rise up through my legs, flood my stomach and spread out to the tips of my hands, and then I would clench my fists and lash out”(Ammaniti 27.) This shows how much does he hate to be with people. He loves to be alone and he doesn't need anyone. Anyway, his personality changed after he met Olivia. It showsrelationship between other people can change Lorenzo and he learned from a lot from that.  Olivia is the most influence person in Lorenzo's life. His personality changed because he learned how important is to have good relationships with other people. Lorenzo hated her at first but he stated to realize that relationship with other people is wonderful and joyful. Olivia told him to dance at last night that they stay together. “when I danced I felt something I’d never felt before. I felt alive –it took my breath away. In a few hours I would leave that cellar. And everything might go back to the way it was. And yet I knew that beyond that door the world was waiting for me, and that I would be able to talk to the others like I was one of them” (Ammaniti 143.) This is very small thing but it changed his personality little. It shows how fun is to hangout with other people and he learned about it. Lorenzo realized that staying with people is better than being alone. People can change other person’s personality and it happened to Lorenzo. At end of the story, we could see how he changed from when he was 14 years old. This is great example of how people can affect by other people. Olivia changed his personality. In this story, he changed his personality because he had painful experience with Olivia and that makes his personality change. People's personality can be change when they shared wonderful or painful events with other people.
People pick wrong decision in their life sometimes, but their important person would tell them that they picked wrong decision. To have important person is one of the most important thing and they are very affective. The main character of American sniper is Chris Kyle. He is a member of navy seals. American sniper is about a war between Iraq and U.S. War is very dangerous thing, but he wanted to go for his country. Anyway, people opinion or mind can changed by other person’s strong feelings. He was at the war and he was a great sniper. He loves U.S and this why he became navy seals. He has wife, and her name is Taya. He loves her wife and their life was very good before he started to go to war. Chris wanted to go there because other soldiers were dying and they needed Chris. But Taya didn't want him to go because he could die anytime at the war and she was pregnant so she didn't want him to leave. At the time, he picked to go to the war for U.S. From that time, their relationship became worse than before. I think this is shows that Chris need to think what thing he needed to do at the time because it's not his own life. He has wife and she was pregnant and he can't waste his life easily, but this is also hard decision because he is navy seals amd people needed him. After that. Taya’s strong options started to chang Chris’s mind. She was telling how much does she want him to stay and he started realize that he should do something for her. At the end, he didn't go to the war anymore. He realized how important is his family and it tells us that family can change other family member’s thought and mind. Taya is the most important person for Chris and she is very effective person for him. To have important person is great thing because they can tell about was it wrong decision or not. Then they will help to fix their problems together.
Both Me and You and American sniper's main character affected by other characters because other character's opinion helps them to be better person and main characters realized how important are they. Both character is very similar because they have very strong own opinion and life and they didn't want to change the way they are living. But their important person which is Olivia for Lorenzo and Taya for Chris. They changed a lot because of the relationship between Olivia and Taya. Both stories portray that people's strong opinion can changed by other people.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Favorite sentence

Lorenzo realized that staying with people is better than being alone. People can change other person’s personality and it happened to Lorenzo. 

This is my favorite sentence because it exactly represents my own opinion. I know that staying with other people is better than being alone and I wanted to say this in my essay. Also people can change other person's opinion or life and it happened to me too. So I like this because it represents my opinion and my life changed by other people so it's little bit similar to Lorenzo.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

First draft

What is the one of the most important thing in our life. I think it is relationship with family, friends and other people. Relationship is very strong and it can affect people very easily. Me and you and American sniper’s main character affected by other characters. To have good relationship with other people is very difficult thing to do but when people could have good relationships with other people, that gives people wonderful affect. But relationship is also teach us about life. We can learn from it and become better person. Anyway, both Me and You and American sniper's main character affected by other characters because other character's opinion helps them to be better person and main characters realized how important are they.
The main character of Me and You is Lorenzo. Lorenzo is 14 years old and he is living in Rome. His personality is very strange. He loves to be alone and he doesn't have friends. He has mental problems but he can pretend like as normal person. “If the others didn’t leave me alone, if they pushed me too far, the blood would rise up through my legs, flood my stomach and spread out to the tips of my hands, and then I would clench my fists and lash out”(Ammaniti 27.) This shows how much does he hate to be with people. He loves to be alone and he doesn't need anyone. Anyway, his personality changed after he met Olivia. It showsrelationship between other people can change Lorenzo and he learned from a lot from that.  Olivia is the most influence person in Lorenzo's life. His personality changed because he learned how important is to have good relationships with other people. Lorenzo hated her at first but he stated to realize that relationship with other people is wonderful and joyful. Olivia told him to dance at last night that they stay together. “when I danced I felt something I’d never felt before. I felt alive –it took my breath away. In a few hours I would leave that cellar. And everything might go back to the way it was. And yet I knew that beyond that door the world was waiting for me, and that I would be able to talk to the others like I was one of them” (Ammaniti 143.) This is very small thing but it changed his personality little. It shows how fun is to hangout with other people and he learned about it. I think Lorenzo realized that staying with people is better than being alone. People can change other person’s personality and it happened to Lorenzo. At end of the story, we could see how he changed from when he was 14 years old.
The main character of American sniper is Chris Kyle. He is a member of navy seals. American sniper is about a war between Iraq and U.S. War is very dangerous thing, but he wanted to go for his country. Anyway, people opinion or mind can changed by other person’s strong feelings. He was at the war and he was a great sniper. He loves U.S and this why he became navy seals. He has wife, and her name is Taya. He loves her wife and their life was very good before he started to go to war. Chris wanted to go there because other soldiers were dying and they needed Chris. But Taya didn't want him to go because he could die anytime at the war and she was pregnant so she didn't want him to leave. At the time, he picked to go to the war for U.S. From that time, their relationship became worse than before. I think this is shows that Chris need to think what thing he needed to do at the time because it's not his own life. He has wife and she was pregnant and he can't waste his life easily, but this is also hard decision because he is navy seals amd people needed him. After that. Taya’s strong options started to chang Chris’s mind. She was telling how much does she want him to stay and he started realize that he should do something for her. At the end, he didn't go to the war anymore. I think he realized how important is his family and it tells us that family can change other family member’s thought and mind.
Both Me and You and American sniper's main character affected by other characters because other character's opinion helps them to be better person and main characters realized how important are they. Both character is very similar because they have very strong own opinion and life and they didn't want to change the way they are living. But their important person which is Olivia for Lorenzo and Taya for Chris. They changed a lot because of the relationship between Olivia and Taya. Both stories portray that people's strong opinion can changed by other people.

Upload paragraph

The main character of Me and You is Lorenzo. Lorenzo is 14 years old and he is living in Rome. His personality is very strange. He loves to be alone and he doesn't have friends. He has mental problems but he can pretend like as normal person. “If the others didn’t leave me alone, if they pushed me too far, the blood would rise up through my legs, flood my stomach and spread out to the tips of my hands, and then I would clench my fists and lash out”(Ammaniti 27.) This shows how much does he hate to be with people. He loves to be alone and he doesn't need anyone. Anyway, his personality changed after he met Olivia. It showsrelationship between other people can change Lorenzo and he learned from a lot from that.  Olivia is the most influence person in Lorenzo's life. His personality changed because he learned how important is to have good relationships with other people. Lorenzo hated her at first but he stated to realize that relationship with other people is wonderful and joyful. Olivia told him to dance at last night that they stay together. “when I danced I felt something I’d never felt before. I felt alive –it took my breath away. In a few hours I would leave that cellar. And everything might go back to the way it was. And yet I knew that beyond that door the world was waiting for me, and that I would be able to talk to the others like I was one of them” (Ammaniti 143.) This is very small thing but it changed his personality little. It shows how fun is to hangout with other people and he learned about it. I think Lorenzo realized that staying with people is better than being alone. People can change other person’s personality and it happened to Lorenzo. At end of the story, we could see how he changed from when he was 14 years old.

The main character of American sniper is Chris Kyle. He is a member of navy seals. American sniper is about a war between Iraq and U.S. War is very dangerous thing, but he wanted to go for his country. Anyway, people opinion or mind can changed by other person’s strong feelings. He was at the war and he was a great sniper. He loves U.S and this why he became navy seals. He has wife, and her name is Taya. He loves her wife and their life was very good before he started to go to war. Chris wanted to go there because other soldiers were dying and they needed Chris. But Taya didn't want him to go because he could die anytime at the war and she was pregnant so she didn't want him to leave. At the time, he picked to go to the war for U.S. From that time, their relationship became worse than before. I think this is shows that Chris need to think what thing he needed to do at the time because it's not his own life. He has wife and she was pregnant and he can't waste his life easily, but this is also hard decision because he is navy seals amd people needed him. After that. Taya’s strong options started to chang Chris’s mind. She was telling how much does she want him to stay and he started realize that he should do something for her. At the end, he didn't go to the war anymore. I think he realized how important is his family and it tells us that family can change other family member’s thought and mind.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

First body paragraph

Lorenzo is 14 years old and he is living in Rome. His personality is very strange. He loves to be alone and he doesn't have friends. He has mental problems but he can pretend like as normal person. “If the others didn’t leave me alone, if they pushed me too far, the blood would rise up through my legs, flood my stomach and spread out to the tips of my hands, and then I would clench my fists and lash out.” This shows how much does he hate to be with people. He loves to be alone and he doesn't need anyone. Anyway, his personality changed after he met Olivia. Olivia is the most influence person in Lorenzo's life. His personality changed because he learned how important is to have good relationships with other people. Lorenzo hated her at first but he stated to realize that relationship with other people is wonderful and joyful. Olivia told him to dance at last night that they stay together. “when I danced I felt something I’d never felt before. I felt alive –it took my breath away. In a few hours I would leave that cellar. And everything might go back to the way it was. And yet I knew that beyond that door the world was waiting for me, and that I would be able to talk to the others like I was one of them.” This is very small thing but it changed his personality little. It shows how fun is to hangout with other people and he learned about it. I think Lorenzo realized that staying with people is better than being alone. People can change other person’s personality and it happened to Lorenzo. At end of the story, we could see how he changed from when he was 14 years old.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Thesis statement and outline

Thesis statement:
Both Me and You and American sniper's main character affected by other characters because other character's opinion helps them to be better person and main characters realized how important they are.

- general topic
- thesis statement

First body paragraph:
I will write about Lorenzo. About Lorenzo's personality, what did he do and how Olivia affected to him and how did he change from before. I'll be focus on Olivia and Lorenzo's relationship because it is the most important topic.

Second body paragraph:
Second paragraph is going to about Chris. It's going to be same thing as first paragraph. It is going be about Chris's personality, what did he do and how did Chris's wife affect to Chiris. Also how did he change from before. This is also focus on relationship of Chris and Chris's wife.

- thesis statement
- how both Chiris and Lorenzo affected by relationship with people
- compare and contrast both of them
- sentence that conclude this essay.

My Most Favorite Day

My most favorite day

It happened while I was sleeping.
When I woke up, I looked outside.
There is so much snow.
It was snowy, freezing, and No School!!!
I dressed warm clothes and wore hat and gloves quickly.
Went to outside and made snowman.
My hands got cold so I got hot chocolate to make my body warm. 
I was keeping hold the cup.
It was snowing hard but I barely could see my friends at outside from the window.
I finished my hot chocolate then went to outside again.
Snow day is my favorite day.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Summary of American Sniper

American Sniper’s main character is Chris Kyle. When he was young, his dad brought him to hunting. He hunted deer and he liked it. He is from Texas and he wanted to be cowboy who ride rodeo. But he watched TV when American embassy destroyed. He loves U.S and he wanted to become soldier. So he tried to become Navy SEALS. Training of the Navy SEALS was very hard and it was the toughest thing he ever experienced before. During the training, he met Taya at the bar and from the day, their relationship became closer. He passed the training to become Navy SEALS and he finally became one member of Navy SEALS. After that, he married to Taya and his life was peaceful and everything was going to good way.
Whatever, in 2001, the war between U.S and Iraq started because Iraq attacked U.S first. So Navy SEALS sent Chris to the war. His job at the war was sniper. He was great sniper and everyone realized that he is the best sniper in the Navy SEALS. People started call him legend but people who is fighting against Chris called him devil. So if people kill Chris, people can get money from Iraq. Anyway, during the war, he saw his friend killed by Iraq or get really bad injuries. He felt stresses and he had mental disorder which is PTSD. Everytime he came back from war, Taya feel sad because he is not same person for her anymore because of PTSD. She told Chrsi that he doesn't have go to war anymore but Chris wanted to win the war for his friends so he told Taya that he wants to go to war. Taya was pregnant so she really wanted Chris to alive and stay at home.
The fourth time he went to the war, everything ended. He killed the best sniper of the Iraq and he came back to U.S. He quited Navy SEALS after the war and he tried to become normal person like before he went to the war. But it was very hard for him to do it so he and Taya considered about it really hard. But he got better little by little and started to enjoy his life like before. At end of the movie, he went to training of gun with a guy and movie said that he killed by the guy. People never forgot about him because he is the best sniper in the world.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

American Sniper

Title: Amerocan Sniper
Main character: Chris Kyle
Character who makes connection: His wife
Describe change: He is the best sniper in U.S. He is nervy seal and he went to war four times. His wife was keep saying him that he shouldn't die because his wife has children and she doesn't want Chris to go to war. But Chris was thinking that he should go to the war because of his friend and country. But his wife realized him that how important is the family.

Monday, February 1, 2016

3 films

1. Furious 7
This movie's main character is a guy who name is Dominic. He was the criminal but he helped police to arrest other criminal in the Furious 6. So police didn't arrest Dominic. Anyway, in this movie the criminal's brother tries to kill Dominic and his friends. So Dominic will try to arrest the brother.

2. American sniper
This is about war between U.S and Iraq. The main character is Chris. He is the best sniper in U.S and he went to the war. This is true story. He has wife and his wife doesn't want him to go to war. But Chris wanted to go to war for the his friends and country. At the last, he killed the best sniper in the Iraq and get out from the war.

3. Southpaw
This is about a boxer. He was the best boxer in the world but one day, his wife died because of gun shooting. From the day, his life changed. He lost all his money, he drank beer. The story is about how will he become the best boxer again.