Yichen is doing well organization and analysis the poem. Her paper is separated into six paragraphs and each paragraph talks about different thing. First paragraph is introduction, second paragraph is about the meaning of the poem, third paragraph is about background information of the poem and author. Fourth paragraph is about the form of the poem and what kind of figurative language does author use, fifth paragraph is about environmental description, then last paragraph has conclusion. This paper talked about specific topic or idea in each paragraph so it is easy to follow and understand. In second paragraph and fifth paragraph has good analysis of the poem. The sound paragraph talked about the deep meaning of words that in the poem. So this is not telling the meaning of the surface of the poem, this paragraph tells about what is the deep meaning of the poem. Also in fifth paragraph, she talked about the most important part of the poem and this is help readers to understand about the main point of the poem. This paragraph says that the most important part of the poem is the environmental description. This also helps readers because reader can focus on environmental description. In this paragraph, there is some quotes so readers can understand that which one is environmental description. I like that this paper described that meaning of the poem and the main point of the point. I can tell that the writer understand the meaning of the poem and point of the poem very well.
There is two things that she needs to improve. They are introduction and conclusion. In introduction, she talked about what is poem and what is the poem look like or sounds like. But I can't see the main idea of the paper. At last sentence of the introduction is thesis statement and this is good but it can be more clearly and strongly. In half of this paper's conclusion, I feel like that you are talking about the form of the poem and I think those sentences about the from of the poem should be in fourth paragraph because fourth paragraph talked about form of the poem too. And other half is just analyze the poem again. Then at the end she concluded the paper but this conclusion is in same paragraph with other things so that makes me confuse. But in conclusion, she said similar thing as thesis statement so that's good because she stayed on her main idea of the paper. Also in second paragraph, she analyzed, "There is Another Sky" and it very specific and I understood the meaning of the poem. But if she put some quotes and prove her thought, it would be better than now.
Otherwise, this paper looks great. She wrote some examples of metaphors and imagine from the poem. She uses quotes very well and they help readers. Also she has some information of the author's brother but she needs to cite resources if she gets information from Internet.
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