Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Pobby and Dingan


One thing that I can say about them is Dingan is a girl and Pobby is a boy. Dingan likes opal and she had a lovely opal in her belly button. Pobby had a limp in his right leg. Also they speak English quietly and they likes to whistle. Kellyanne said, “you have to be a certain kind of person to hear them,” and she said, “only you had to be a certain kind of person to see it.” So only few people can see Pobby and Dingan.
Next, their personality. I think Dingan is very outgoing, so she is not shy. In the book, it said, “Kellyanne enter Dingan in for the Opal Princess competition because Kellyanne had a cold.” I think it told us that she likes to go out front of people and she like to do something that people will give her attention. I think she is very beautiful girl and she looked like she has confidence on her. However I think Pobby is much quitter than Dingan because I never saw when Pobby did something in the book. So it seemed like he is older than Dingan and just keep looking at her. I think he is older than Kellyanne and Dingan because I feel like he always look them for their safe. Pobby and Dingan hate Ashmol. She said, “They hate Ashmol.” I think they hate Ashmol at the time because he never believed about Pobby and Dingan and Ashmol hated them to so they hated each other. Both Pobby and Dingan are one of the most important person in her life. They are best friends and I think this is one of why she got very sick. They always stay together, they love each other and they know each other. She said, “Ashmol. Please can you go out one more time to Wyoming and go down the mine. I’ve got a hunch about it. A sort of a feeling.” I think it tells us that she knows lots of things about Pobby and Dingan. Got a hunch about the place that they are at is very cool thing I think. Their minds are connecting and that means they love each other.

Thursday, March 3, 2016


Claim (noun)
Mum asked one night when she’d got back from her job on the checkout at Khan’s and me and Dad were relaxing after a hard afternoon’s work out at the claim.
a demand for something as due; an assertion of a right or an alleged right

wobbled (verb)
The noise of a car drove into our ears and a four-wheel-drive police jeep came wobbling down the creamy red track that leads to our claim.
to incline to one side and to the other alternately, as a wheel, top, or other rotating body when not properly balanced.

My dad turned around, startled. He was totally off his guard.
to disturb or agitate suddenly as by surprise or alarm.

figment (noun)
that Pobby was a figment of her imaginings.
something produced by the imagination

rummaged (verb)
He rummaged through piles of rocks.
to find, bring, or fetch by searching (often followed by out or up).

ute (noun)
I slammed the door of the ute in Dingan’s face
Type of car (slang word)

crackpot (noun)
Lightning Ridge was full of flaming crackpots as far as I could see.
Eccentric, impractical, fanatical

Mello Yello (noun)
I said, hiding my anger in a swig from my can of Mello Yello.
Name of the soda

mates (noun)
“I still say Kellyanne could do with some real-live mates,”
a person who lives with you, works in the same place as you, etc.

opal (noun)
My dad would come back from the opal mines covered in dust,
: a white or clear stone that reflects changing colors and that is used in jewelry

fairdinkum (adj)
used to emphasize that or query whether something is genuine or true.

imaginary (adj)
but I wasn’t crazy enough to talk to imaginary friends,
not real : existing only in your mind or imagination

grub (noun)
She said they were quieter and better behaved than me and deserved the grub.
the young form of an insect in which it looks like a small worm

fossilized (adj)
There’s rumours going that Lucky Jes has taken out a million-dollar stone and a fossilized mammoth tooth with sun-flash in it.
having been changed into a fossil

mammoth (noun)
There’s rumours going that Lucky Jes has taken out a million-dollar stone and a fossilized mammoth tooth with sun-flash in it.
a type of large, hairy elephant that lived in ancient times and that had very long tusks that curved upward

Pobby and Dingan are real?

I think Pobby and Dingan are not real. They are just imaginary friend of Kellyanne. In beginning of chapter one, Ashmol said, "Mum, why do you have to set places for Pobby and Dingan? They aren't even real." Also before that, he said, “They never existed. Things that never existed can’t be dead. Right?” This two sentences told us that Pobby and Dingan aren't existing in real life. Ashmol and his father don't believe about Pobby and Dingan. The book said, "Me and him never took Pobby and Dingan seriously one bit." Also his father is frastlating about it. He said, “Jesus! That girl’s round the twist,”  His father wanted her to make a real friend. Her mom is understanding she is different than others. Also after his dad started to try to believe Pobby and Dingan, Ashmol said, "Well, I got to admit it was a funny sight seeing my dad heading out holding hands with two invisible people." This is telling us that Pobby and Dingan aren't able to see. That means they are not real and they are just imaginary characters of Kellyanne.